DeAnn & Robert
Everything happens for a reason, right?
The events leading up to Robert and DeAnn’s love story.
On December 16th of 2019 my world came crashing down, Donnie was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. On December 22nd, 2019, Robert reached out on Facebook telling me if there was anything Donnie or I needed, please do not hesitate to ask.
For almost 2 years, I sat with Donnie every night and he made me promise to find love again. To me that was not possible, as he was the love of my life.
I sat up a Donnie and DeAnn journey on Facebook November 9th of 2021 to keep everyone updated on his path to the cosmos, Robert was watching. On December 1st Robert reached out giving me his sympathies for what I was going through and let me know if I needed an ear to listen to. or just vent and scream, he was there. On December 2nd, 2021, at 7:15 AM, my beautiful, wonderful Donnie baby peacefully passed into the cosmos. My world crumbled. I was in Katy Texas alone for the first time in 20 years.
As I was sitting alone one night, I scrolled Roberts Facebook and saw something that broke my heart, and I had to know. On March 10th, 2022, I asked him with a heavy heart if he truly knew what I was going through. March 9th is Monique’s heavenly birthday, and he told me unfortunately he did. My heart broke for him as I did not know this, and it had been 8 years. We chatted about our lives.
Robert reached out as he knew I wanted to come back to Wichita and I was coming home come hell or high water, I was not staying in Texas alone. He knew I was going to be in Wichita for Donnie’s celebration of life the week of March 15th, 2022, and he told me he was trying to get it so I could have my job back in Wichita. He invited me to a get together with the people I used to work with one night while I was there, and I sat that night and bawled my eyes out. He walked me to my truck and the kindness in his eyes I will never forget. Long story short I did not get my job back in Wichita. Things happen for a reason, right?
Fast forward to Easter 2022, I had my house sold and the movers had been there earlier in the week, I was driving home the next day. That evening Robert was going to be in Houston and would I like for him to stop by for a bit. My wonderful Angels for neighbors had fed me an Easter dinner and made me take a plate for Robert. He got there late as his flight was delayed, he ate dinner, we talked, and I cried. Again, his kind eyes gave me encouragement that things would get better. He hugged and kissed me softly on the cheek asking me if I was ready let’s have lunch or dinner when you get home and to please keep him updated on my travels tomorrow.
I made it home safe. March 25th, I met him for lunch and the 27th for dinner. From then on, we dated and got to know each other, it was scary and exciting. There were many obstacles in our way as the months went by but on November 6th, 2022, he told me that he loved me, and I said it back. I started moving in after the first of the year.
On September 13th, 2024, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes. Had the company let me come back to work, none of this would have happened. I am a firm believer in fate and that people are meant to be.
Everyone askes us how me met and we tell them through loss and work. Cancer took so much from both of us, but life gave us love back. On the 2nd Christmas we were together and shopping at Hobby Lobby, I went by a sign that said Love, Hope and Faith, he said I have two of the three, and I said have Faith in us and he has ever since. .